2.2. Install #

It is assumed that PostgreSQL is already installed. Depending on the system configuration, superuser (root) access rights may be required to complete the installation.

The installation script uses pg_config utility. Make sure that the environment variable PATH includes path to pg_config utility. The path to pg_config can be also specified in make command:

shell> make PG_CONFIG=/path/to/pgconfig ...

Unpack the downloaded archive and enter the directory:

shell> tar -xzf path/to/pgsphere-X.X.X.tgz
shell> cd pgsphere-X.X.X

Compile the code. By default, pgSphere is compiled with HEALPix support.

shell> make

or compile without HEALPix support:

shell> make USE_HEALPIX=0

Run regression tests optionally. If pgSphere was compiled without HEALPix support, USE_HEALPIX=0 should be specified in make command line.

shell> make test

Install pgSphere files to the installation directories. The installation directories are defined by pg_config utility. Superuser (root) access rights may be required. If pgSphere was compiled without HEALPix support, USE_HEALPIX=0 should be added after make.

shell> make install