Chapter 6. Functions

Table of Contents

6.1. Area function
6.2. spoint functions
6.2.1. Longitude and latitude
6.2.2. Cartesian coordinates
6.2.3. Point-within-distance function
6.3. strans functions
6.3.1. Converting to ZXZ
6.3.2. Angles and axes
6.4. scircle functions
6.5. sellipse functions
6.6. sline functions
6.6.1. Begin and end
6.6.2. Create a meridian
6.7. spath functions
6.7.1. Count of points
6.7.2. Positions at a path
6.8. spoly functions
6.8.1. Count of edges
6.8.2. Positions at a polygon
6.8.3. Spoly is convex
6.9. sbox functions
6.10. smoc functions
6.11. Epoch propagation
6.11.1. 6-Parameter Epoch Propagation
6.11.2. Epoch Propagation of Positions Only

The functions described below are implemented without having an operator. If you are missing some functions, see Chapter 5 and use the operators.