3.2.  Point #

A spherical point is an object without expanse but with a position. Use cases are:

A spherical point (or position) is given by two values: longitude and latitude. Longitude is a floating point value between 0 and 2π. Latitude is a floating point value, too, but between -π/2 and π/2. It is possible to give a spherical position in degrees (DEG) or with a triple value of degrees, minutes and seconds (DMS). Degrees and minutes are integer values. The seconds are represented using a floating point value. A fourth method is specifying a longitude value as a triple value of hours, minutes and seconds (HMS). But, you can not use it with latitude values.

Example 3.1.  A position specified using longitude and latitude in radians

sql> SELECT spoint '(0.1,-0.2)';

Example 3.2.  A position specified using longitude and latitude in degrees

sql> SELECT spoint '( 10.1d, -90d)';

Example 3.3.  A position specified using longitude and latitude (DMS)

sql> SELECT spoint '( 10d 12m 11.3s, -13d 14m)';

Example 3.4.  A position specified using longitude in HMS, and latitude in RAD

sql> SELECT spoint '( 23h 44m 10s, -1.4321 )';

As you can see you can combine the input format for longitude and latitude. The value pairs are always enclosed within braces. Spaces are optional.